25. Only - Nicki Minaj featuring Drake, Lil Wayne, and Chris Brown | The Odyssey Online
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29 Past Summer Songs You Need To Add Immediately To Your Summer 2019 Playlist

Bring back some old songs for this summer.

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

Sure, new songs might make it to the top of your Summer 2019 playlist, but don't sleep on these twenty-nine songs from past summers:

1. Cake By The Ocean - DNCE

"Let's lose our minds and go f*cking crazy!"

2. This Summer - Maroon 5


"I see her dancing on a fool like she's seventeen and cool."

3. One Dance - Drake featuring WizKid and Kyla

"Got a pretty girl and she love me long time."

4. Side To Side - Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj


"See you standing over there with your body, feeling like I wanna rock with your body."

5. Summer - Calvin Harris

"We fell in love as the leaves turned brown."

6. Doses & Mimosas - Cherub


"What's the point of language if you don't say what you feel."

7. I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Seeb Remix) - Mike Posner featuring Seeb

"I drive a sports car just to prove I'm a real big baller 'cause I made a million dollars and I spend it on girls and shoes."

8. This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna


"Lightning strikes every time she moves and everybody's watching her, but she's looking at you."

9. I Like It - Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull

"Fiesta forever."

10. Starships - Nicki Minaj

"Dance all your life, there's no end in sight."

11. Wild Ones - Flo Rida featuring Sia


"I wanna shut down the club with you."

12. Am I Wrong - Nico & Vinz

"Fight for yours and don't let go; don't let them compare you, no."

13. This Girl - Kungs Vs. Cookin’ On 3 Burners


"Your paychecks don't mean that much to me. Just take my hand and hold me tight."

14. Work - Rihanna featuring Drake

"You took my heart and my keys and my patience."

15. Wasted - Tiesto featuring Matthew Koma


"Lay all your laundry on the bed and then I'll lay in it instead."

16. How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris featuring Disciples

"Let me be your air."

17. Adventure Of A Lifetime - Coldplay


"If we've only got this life and this adventure, oh then I wanna share it with you."

18. Cold Water - Major Lazer featuring Justin Bieber

"And although time may take us into different places I will still be patient with you."

19. Hey Mama - David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha, and Afrojack


"You ain't never gotta worry, I'm down for you, baby."

20. Into You - Ariana Grande

"A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body."

21. Runaway (U & I) - Galantis


"I see a billion dollars in your eyes."

22. Cool Girl - Tove Lo

"No, let's not put a label on it; let's keep it fun."

23. It Ain’t Me - Kygo featuring Selena Gomez

"I'll take with me the Polaroids and the memories, but you know I'm gonna leave behind the worst of us."

24. Fancy - Iggy Azalea featuring Charlie XCX


"Can't you taste this gold?"

25. Only - Nicki Minaj featuring Drake, Lil Wayne, and Chris Brown

"Raise your bottle and cup in the sky."

26. For Free - DJ Khaled featuring Drake

"Last year I had drama, girl, not right now."

27. Cinema - Benny Benassi featuring Gary Go


"I could watch you forever."

28. Rude - MAGIC!

"Say 'yes', say 'yes', 'cause I need to know."

29. California Girls - Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg


"Sun-kissed skin so hot we'll melt your popsicles."

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