The youngest among my siblings, I was exposed to a variety of older shows that my friends had never heard of. Although I love The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, the following series are undoubtedly my favorites. (They are all available on Hulu or Netflix). If you’re looking for summer adventure and romance from the comfort of your couch, invest your time in these Generation Y hits:
21 Jump Street
(April 12, 1987 – April 27, 1991)
NOT THE MOVIE! Many people aren’t aware that the Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill blockbuster was actually based off of the television series where Johnny Depp got his start. This undercover cop show features a crew of funny, stylish and lovable policemen who disguise themselves as high school students to bust drug dealers, prostitution rings and other high profile criminals. I guarantee you will love it way more than the movie! (Young Johnny Depp….enough said).
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(March 10, 1997 – May 20, 2003)
Did you love Alyson Hannigan in American Pie and How I Met Your Mother? Then you are sure to love her in her witchy, computer geek role as the Slayer’s best friend. This is my all-time favorite series. If you are looking to join a gang of inseparable friends on their journey to fight the forces of evil, start Netflixing immediately. This show has it all: the adventure, the action, the romance, the laughter and the tears.
Stargate SG1
(July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007)
Although this show is not very widely known, it is well worth your time and attention. Follow the elite Air Force Team on their journey across the galaxy and in their fight against terrifying aliens who want to destroy Earth. This 10 season series will take you on an adventure in every episode, and if you still want more you can watch Stargate Atlantis, an awesome spinoff with even more terrifying, life-sucking aliens. However, avoid the second spin off, Stargate Universe…this time it will actually suck the life out of you.
(October 7, 1998 – May 21, 2006)
Beautiful witches, cool spells, and scary demons, what else could one ask for from a show? These sisters fight not only for their family, but for the good of humankind. Every episode is a new quest to solve a mystery and defeat a villain. It is a heartwarming and suspenseful classic that you must watch!
( September 30, 2001- May 22, 2006)
Jennifer Garner like you have never seen her before, as a badass CIA double agent. In a new disguise each episode, she
must discover her own family secrets, collect information and hunt down dangerous
technology to take down terrorists that threaten not only the United States,
but the whole world. This show is sure to captivate you with its burning
romances, heartbreaking losses, shocking betrayals, impressive fight scenes and
dramatic reveals.