5 Old-School Love Songs That Are Too Pure For This World | The Odyssey Online
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5 Old-School Love Songs That Are Too Pure For This World

Going to risk sounding like an oldie, but hey, it may be true- they do not make them like this anymore.

5 Old-School Love Songs That Are Too Pure For This World

I'm a person who definitely delves into the lyrics of a song when I listen to it. Granted, that's not to say I can't get down to some Lil Uzi Vert or that I can't rap "Nasty Freestyle" in all its entirety (try me), but I'm a sucker for music that makes me feel something. Especially love songs. I've become obsessed with the love songs of yesterday for reasons I don't even know- all I know is, I can't stop listening to them. So, with that being said, I decided I would compile a small list of older love songs with lyrics that are just too pure for this world.

1. All My Loving- The Beatles

Notable lyric: Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow, I'll miss you. Remember, I'll always be true... and then while I'm away, I'll write home every day and I'll send all my loving to you.

Ah, you've gotta include The Beatles. To start off this list is an upbeat song, too adorable for words. Back before the days of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds", the Fab Four originated the "fangirl" culture and for good reason. This song highlights that feeling of leaving after spending time with someone you like and immediately wanting to see them again. Missing someone after a 4 hour long phone conversation. It's the butterflies and the excitement you get when you're finally able to see them again after counting the days between time spent together. There are few things better than that giddy, excited stage when you're just starting out in a relationship, and I feel like this song hits that nail right on the head.

2. Hallelujah I Love Her So- Ray Charles

Notable lyric: When I'm in trouble and I have no friend, I know she'll go with me until the end. Everybody asks me how I know... I smile at them and say, "She told me so."

This song. You may recognize the piano intro from D.R.A.M.'s song "Cash Machine" but the origins of the song are about something a little more wholesome than checks and "plastic bankrolls". In a generation when genuine commitment from a person can be somewhat slim, to listen to this song is honestly how being comfortable in a relationship feels. Doubters may wonder how no doubts are had in this relationship, but Ray Charles doesn't need validation or proof from this girl that's she's in it for the long haul. She gives him his word that she'll be with him and he just knows she means it. Trust- that's what love's all about.

3. Don't Be Cruel- Elvis Presley

Notable lyric: Baby, if I made you mad for something I might have said... please, let's forget the past, the future looks bright ahead.

This is a big one. Elvis recognizes an important thing we should all realize with the people we love- "Don't be cruel to a heart that's true." The genuine devotion in this song is pretty evident right away, not wanting to be apart from the person you love, envisioning saying "I do" on that special day. That's enough to make even the most "cruel" swoon.

4. Teenager in Love- Dion and the Belmonts

Notable lyric: Each time we have a quarrel, it almost breaks my heart... 'Cause I'm so afraid that we will have to part.

This dreamy doo-wop song just captures the struggle of being... well, a teenager in love. No matter what age you are, we all have related to this one at some point or another. With the strong happy emotions of a first love, an intense possibility heartbreak always accompanies it. It's tough, but we take on the fights and difficulties wholeheartedly, because at that time, the love you have with that person is just worth it. How sweet is that?

5. Wouldn't It Be Nice?- The Beach Boys

Notable lyric: Happy times together we've been spending... I wish that every kiss was never-ending.

The beachy, fun sound of this song is the perfect background music to a summer fling. All is bright and sunny, you're happy, everything just seems to be right. It talks about getting older and sharing new experiences with someone. Again, returning to the theme of wanting to spend every waking minute with someone, accompanied with sweet vocals and calming music. It truly shows the daydreaming aspect of love.

There's plenty where that came from, but there's a few songs from the past that make my heart flutter a little bit. Going to risk sounding like an oldie, but hey, it may be true- they do not make them like this anymore.


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