As we get older, life changes. We grow up, move on to new schools, jobs, and people. While new friends are a great part of life, old friends are one of life’s greatest treasures. When life gets crazy and we feel like we can’t get a grip, it is always nice to confide in an old friend. They know what you’ve been through, and they know what you need to hear to help you carry on. They give you the best advice because, while you are surrounded by a new life now, they grew with you and know what you need and when you need it. Here are just a few of the wonderful things that come with old friends:
1. Coffee dates to catch up
My friends and I are all huge coffee lovers, and when you are socializing on a college student budget, it’s about the only affordable outing. There is something about getting coffee with an old friend that makes the experience so much sweeter. Each of my friends and I have our little ‘usual’ coffee shop to meet up on breaks and free weekends, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
2. Always something to talk about
When you don’t see your friends for a long time, there is never a dull moment when you get together. There is so much to catch up on, and you get to see how each of you is growing. It is really interesting to me to see how my friends are building their lives for themselves and becoming who they’re meant to be all on their own. A lot can happen between the times we get together, so it is always nice to be back in the loop. This past week I met up with my friend Sarah, who I only see about once a year. She made the comment, “Wow this is different; both of our lives seem pretty awesome right now. I feel like usually one of us is in a crisis.” It was funny but true, yet I am so happy to finally see her so happy with her life. I am so grateful for our friendship, and I know I can always count on her for advice and her willingness to drive and hour to meet me in a time of need. Regardless of the occasion, there is always something to talk about for hours.
3. They know you best
My oldest friends know me better than I know myself. I know that I can always count on them to talk some sense into me when I am super stressed or not feeling myself. They are always there for me, and they know exactly what I need to hear. My roommate, for example, has been one of my closest friends for the past 10 years. She is the total opposite of me, but she understands me completely. Whether I am talking to myself to find motivation, sleeping in until 2 minutes before class, or having a meltdown at 3 am because I have a paper due in the morning, she always knows just what I need. A cup of coffee and a reality check usually does the trick, but I am forever grateful for her patience and willingness to listen… and for understanding, I will always be late for absolutely no reason at all.
4. They keep you young
Old friends keep you young. They remind you of your childhood and simpler times. They make you put your guard down and remember that life doesn’t have to be taken so seriously. They’re in the same situation in life as you, and it feels great to be able to reminisce the old times you shared together. When adulating gets to be too much, old friends are a comforting reminder of home and the old days. Whether it staying up all night laughing until our stomachs hurt, or watching old movies to that take us back in time, it is always nice to share it with an old friend.
5. Remember When’s
I love the random texts I get that say “Hey, remember when we…..” Or now Facebook lets you see memories from ‘on this day’ through the years, showing you pictures that somehow slipped your mind, but people can still find them to use as blackmail. I adore reminiscing on the old days with my old friends, reminding each other why we are friends in the first place. It usually leads to you reminding each other of all the weird things you used to do that you thought were trendy (Amy- the choker is making a come-back).
6. They knew you in your awkward phase, yet they still love you
Speaking of thinking you were trendy, everyone had an awkward phase that friends love to bring up in irrelevant situations. In third grade I had a broken collar bone (and a very bad haircut), so I was in a sling and a sweat suit for the whole year. My friends will never let me forget it (thanks,Erin). Old friends also like to bring up old, obnoxious social media posts that they somehow still have on file and pull up at the most inconvenient times. Gotta love it.
7. Trips to go see them
When old friends are far away, it is always exciting to plan a trip to go see them. This past summer I went to Florida to visit my friend Gabby who has been one of my closest friends since 3rd grade. We have not been in school together since 8th grade, but our friendship is stronger than ever. Then there are the friends that live relatively close that you can plan day trips to visit, and that is always an adventure too. It is a big deal to get together, especially when you’re trapped at your college campus, so it is something to look forward to for months. The great thing is that even if trips don’t work out for a while, you’re all in the same boat, so there is a mutual understanding of the business of life.
8. Always there no matter how long it’s been
Your friends are always there for you no matter how long it has been since you have talked or been together. Whether you see them every few years or every single day, nothing changes. I think this is a unique trait to old friends because they have seen you grow through all of life’s blessings and trials, and are always there for you. They have been there when you needed them most, and always will be. Old friends are the best form of comfort on good and bad days.
We all have these old friends we grew up with. Even though we go our separate ways, we never grow apart. When we reunite, it feels like no time has passed, and no matter how much our lives change, our friendship remains the same. I encourage you to call an old friend and make plans to get together. Catch up on each others’ lives. Continue to grow together. Old friends truly are one of life’s greatest blessings.