No, sorry, this isn't actually about dogs. But it is about making healthy choices, so read on!
Health and fitness is becoming more of a hot topic by the day. But it is also becoming harder to weed through the sponsored endorsements and fad diets to find real, healthy advice. Especially for those in the older generations that might not be as media savvy. There are so many people, especially middle-aged women, who are looking to improve their health, but don't know where to start. They use excuses like "I'm too old to lose weight," "I don't have the energy I used to," "my metabolism is slow," and "it's a side effect of menopause," to explain why they are struggling. This is exactly what Kathy Cunningham (yes we have the same last name...yes she is my mom), age 53, was experiencing.
That was, until she discovered the Fitness Challenge at Pennsville Nutrition. This is not only a weight loss program, it is an educational course that teaches participants how to take control of their diets and make them work for their individual needs. There is no cutting out carbs and sugar or drastically limiting calorie intake, it is all about how to lose weight the proper way while becoming a better and healthier you. So I conducted an interview with her in the hopes of inspiring other men and women in her position.
The six week program, which began on October 1, consists of 20 people with the same type of goal. The class meets each Wednesday, where they are weighed in, measured and taught a new lesson on nutrition. Although the participants are encouraged to try the many products offered by Pennsville Nutrition, the point is not to promote the product, it is to boost each person's overall health.
What have you learned?
"Each week a new guest speaker comes in. The first week they talked about the importance of protein. But it is more than just the things that go into your diet- we are learning about veganism, how to do meal prep, and important exercises as well. I use a lot of their products like protein shakes, drinks, bars, aloe and supplements that you can add to your diet with a fast-paced lifestyle. Before this, I never understood how important protein is! Since I've added more protein to my diet I stay so much fuller and don't end up reaching for junk food or sugar."
How do you feel?
"I'm so full of energy and I'm not hungry! I used to come home and nap everyday- not because I wanted to, but because I needed to. Now I have the same energy as when I was in my 30's. I'm less stressed and my sleeping patterns are better. I don't even drink coffee in the morning anymore, I switched to an energizing tea."
Anything you want to add?
"I was always making excuses and saying things like 'I can't do this.' But I just didn't understand the proper nutrients that needed to be put together. Since I've been paying attention to what I'm eating, my metabolism is getting faster. I'm eating more calories but not only am I not gaining, I'm losing weight. I've tried all of those yo-yo diets and this class has given me a whole new take on how to fuel my body properly."
No, this is not a promotion for Pennsville Nutrition (although I would suggest checking it out if you're in the area). It is a success story to show you what is possible. I am so proud of my mom and I am confident that if she can do it, other people can too! But you have to be dedicated; quick fixes just don't cut it in the long run. You need to care enough about your health and well-being to learn how to feed your body and make the changes. Be an example. It is NEVER too late to turn your eating habits around and find a healthy diet that works for you!