It's saddening to see so many people who feel hopeless and scared and mortified about this election. I see so many people who feel as though any hope for their futures is diminished. People feel lost.
I was walking to class this morning and a student was standing there talking about how he wishes he was dead today (apologies to this student for my eavesdropping). He said that his mom currently has a classroom of students bawling their eyes out. Another student asked if the classroom was preschoolers to which the other student said "No, it's high schoolers upset because of this election."
My heart is calm; there is peace in my soul because I know this world is run by a God who loves. A God who is love. There is a reason this played out the way that it did. Could it be that God is showing us what we deserve or could it be a reflection of who we are as human beings? We are a country full of hate, lies and destruction and in my opinion this leader represents us very well. There's absolutely nothing that He puts us through that we can not handle. Nothing. In our eyes, Trump may not seem like the perfect fit for the position but we must not forget that God's got it. He is in control.
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God" Romans 13:1
In the meantime I pray for Trump.
I pray that Trump will be guided by God's wisdom. I pray that God will give Trump the wisdom he needs to lead this country in the direction of God's will.
I pray that Trump uses his power and resources for the good of His kingdom. Trump will have access to certain relationships, capital, power, people, and resources that others do not. I pray that his uses these in a manner that pleases God.
I pray that Trump will be the hands and feet of Jesus. As Christians we are the hands and feet of Jesus. Trump is not a Christian but I pray that his actions will reflect the love, compassion and righteousness of God.
I pray that Trump will set a Godly example of leadership. I pray that he will set a good example to not only children but adults as well. I pray that his example of leadership is pleasing in the eyes of our Lord.
I pray that Trump will lead this country back to God. I need God. You need God. We all need God. We all need forgiveness. I pray that while Trump is in the White House, God helps him lead us all back in the direction of our Savior and away from things of the evil one.
Friends, keep running towards Jesus; keep your eyes on Him and then the challenges that we face in life here on earth will become minimal. I do not worry about four pitiful years with an earthly leader but rather, I live in peace knowing that I am awaiting an eternity with my God who is far greater!
"Greater is the One living inside of me, than he who is living in the world." You guys, God Trumps all. No matter who is President, He is King.