Why it is okay to take risks
I am a firm believer in living in the moment. With that being said, I don’t always act upon this belief how I should. I often let the little things get to me whether it is stress from a sport, school, or just life in general, like most students do.
I want to share with you why it is okay to take risks, and be spontaneous. It all begins with just living your life. Being a college student athlete, I know how stressful life can get. If you are not at practice, you are studying. If you’re not doing either, you’re sleeping. My advice is simple yet extremely hard to do; let it be. Find a balance. Have a paper due the next morning? It’s okay. Go spend time binge watching Netflix with your friends. Hardly have any money? Go out to eat with your friends anyways. Practice the next day? Eat that pizza, you know you want to. Don’t waste your time in college worrying only about schoolwork and sports. Sure, it may be why you are at the college where you are, but you also need to take risks and experience the life that college offers. Stay up late. Make mistakes. Have fun.
By no means am I advising you to lack on neither schoolwork nor sports, just telling you that it’s okay to stay up late doing silly things with your friends. Make memories that you will look back on and laugh at.
It is cliché, but I am constantly reminded how quickly college will fly by. Don’t wait until you are too old to look back and see all that you missed out on.