This article is definitely going to be a rant because I just saw a tweet that said something like, "Please keep your GPA's and Dean's List accomplishments to yourself." This is one of my absolute biggest pet peeves. Why are people constantly complaining when someone posts an accomplishment on social media? Why can't someone share when they've been successful?
Our generation is excellent at tearing others down. Whenever we see people posting about their good grades or accomplishments on Facebook or Twitter, we immediately become bitter and post about how annoying it is. Why can't we just be happy for someone when they're happy for themselves?
It needs to become okay to post your accomplishments on social media without people freaking out about it. It's one thing if you're excessively posting about your grades. No one wants to know every single grade of every single exam you've ever taken. That's a bit much. But if you made it into an honor society, received an award or were offered a dream job, please don't be afraid to post about it. Sometimes I'm timid to post something I'm proud of because I'm afraid of people reading it and rolling their eyes.
Most people who post their successes on social media aren't trying to brag. They're just excited and want their friends and family to see what they've accomplished. It's nice to get a "Congratulations, I'm so proud of you!" comment from a family member you don't see all the time. It feels good. Unless someone is posting constantly about their successes, you have no reason to complain when they do post. Is it really bothering you that much that you need to make a bitchy tweet about someone posting their GPA? I doubt it.
As we near the end of the spring semester, yes, people are going to be posting that they got a 4.0 or that they made the Dean's List. That person worked extremely hard and earned those grades, and they should be able to post about them if they want to. I'm not sure exactly why people get angry when others post accomplishments. Jealousy? Immaturity? Either way, it's unnecessary. If you're someone who likes to keep your accomplishments to yourself, that's perfectly fine. Others are proud and want their friends and family to see how hard they've worked.
If your friends and peers are happy because they had a successful semester, please do one thing. Just try to be happy for them instead of assuming that they're just bragging and want to rub their grades in everyone's faces. Instead of posting a tweet about people posting GPAs, try being nice and just liking the post or saying "Congrats, great job!" Would you rather be negative and rude towards this situation or positive and kind? Or just choose to take the high road, and say nothing at all. Here's a classic case of: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything nice at all. Let's be happy for others when they're happy. And to everyone who worked their asses off this semester: great job, I'm proud of you!