Quotes you've heard a thousand times. Advice that isn't original but just makes sense. Taking pictures. Drinking a cup of coffee while reading scripture. I love these simple, some may say “basic" things. I love clichés.
Society advocates originality and individuality. Well, what if being yourself meant saying cheesy quotes every now and then? What if you genuinely enjoy taking pictures and documenting memories? Lately I have noticed that we often mock or put down anything unoriginal. If you caption a picture “the tans will fade but the memories will last forever" you're going to get made fun of— point blank. Why is that? When did cute, simple sayings become socially unacceptable? Just because you've heard the line “everything happens for a reason" a thousand times doesn't detract from its meaning.
I appreciate that fact that we all think and express ourselves in our own ways. I think we should all do the things that bring us joy and live as we please. If that means posting a selfie every once in a while, more power to you. If that means reminding your friend in a difficult time of a quote she's heard a thousand times, then by all means, say it. Our lives have become so much more about being different than about being ourselves. As I grow older I'm learning that it's more than okay to do what I want and not care or dwell on what others will think. But I think it's important to see how judgmental so many of us are over the smallest things. It's time that our generation starts opening our minds to old ideas instead of solely focusing on new ones.