I have a few big decisions to make in the next couple weeks, and it suddenly dawned on me how quickly these decisions will affect my life. In fact, I was supposed to make these decisions over spring break, but was so stressed about making them that I put them off (which I wouldn't suggest doing). Believe me when I say I was absolutely terrified about where to start when it comes to making these big decisions, but with the help and advice from my best friend and mom, I've come to realize it's okay to change your mind.
In our society, we are constantly pressured to figure out what career we want to do for the rest of our lives, and what strictly-structured tract we want to get on to take us there. We make these huge decisions when we are so young: where to go to college, what to major in, what career we want to shoot for, where to go to grad school, etc. Therefore, it is very intimidating to doubt or want to change a college or career choice, but believe me when I say, it's okay to change your mind. It's okay to wake up one day and not like your current situation. The simple solution is to change it, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I went into my freshman year of college (this year) knowing exactly what program I wanted to do and where I wanted to attend that program. Now, I've changed my mind and that is okay. I'm not saying to drastically change your life one day without any thought to the repercussions or benefits; these are hard decisions after all. But what I am saying is that changing your mind is completely fine. My mom taught me over break that when it comes to these big decisions, you must do all the research you can. You should job shadow and see which careers are expected to grow the most by the year you graduate. You should take classes that give you an idea of the possible career you want to pursue and volunteer at places that involve your career. You can even make a pro/con list for each option. These decisions are very hard, but the more research you do, the easier it will be to decide.
My mom told me that whatever decision I make, I need to own it. I need to be confident with it and face whatever results from it with a positive attitude. My best friend told me that no matter what anyone says regarding my options, the decision is mine and mine only. So no matter what anyone says, there is nothing wrong with the fact that we changed our minds. This decision is ours and ours alone, and we will make it together.