Have you ever been in a room full of people but felt so alone? I think everyone can relate to a time where they've had this happen to them. For me, it was my whole first semester of college. Coming to college is an interesting experience because you are constantly surrounded by so many people, making small talk and getting to know each other, but yet you're so far away from everything and everyone you know so well.
I remember feeling alone and having people tell me "You're in college! Go make friends!", but starting at square one on the social ladder felt so unnatural. Rather than wanting to put myself out there, I really just wanted to hide. However, hiding was probably the biggest mistake I could have made.
See, we were made for emotional connection. In the creation story, Adam was surrounded by everything God created, yet he still felt alone. So God gave him a woman because he knew Adam needed a relationship. Now, this doesn't mean you need a boyfriend or girlfriend to curb your loneliness, but it does show us how important friendship, conversation and a comfortable relationship is to us as humans. The term "I'm a loner," just doesn't line up with who we are. Studies show that people experiencing loneliness are more prone to physical and emotional health problems. When we have strong relationships, it is proven that we will have higher self-esteem and be more emotionally stable. I use all that information to say, let's not settle for loneliness.
Leaving everything you know is never supposed to be easy and as much as it may feel like it, your relationships at home are not over! Keep in touch with the people who know you well, but don't be afraid to start at square one with those around you. Every friendship starts off with that awkward small-talk. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and go deeper with those around you. Put yourself out there, ask to get coffee with people who interest you, that's how you will find a connection.
At the end of the day, we need to realize that these things take time. That person that you awkwardly say hi to when you pass them in your hall could be one of your best friends by the end of the year (That's a real example because it happened to me). If you are a few weeks into college and you feel like you've made no real friends yet, that is more than okay. Because guess what? 90% of your fellow freshman feel the same way right now, everyone is just too afraid to admit it.
This is your year, your fresh start, don't let insecurity get the best of you! Commit to connection, be confident in who you are, where you came from and Don't quit. The first semester isn't supposed to be easy, but it will become the foundation you build the rest of your college career on… so make it strong.