Nobody expects you to be superman or wonder woman, I mean hey that'd be great but sadly we are only human and we just can't do it all on our own… there's just no way.
This is something I have had a hard time admitting and accepting for myself lately. I love to be constantly busy and on the go, a full schedule of classes, multiple jobs while trying to maintain good grades, a healthy social life all while trying to squeeze some sleep in is just not healthy and in all honesty is just not possible. Something will have to give and usually, I tend to pass up on sleep which I have learned is the absolute worst thing you can do for yourself. I always tend to overwork myself and end up spreading myself too thin. I just can't seem to find that happy medium.
"Come on just work through it you can sleep tomorrow night and you're the next day off is 8 days away you can do this"
"Down another thing of coffee and add a double shot of espresso you'll get your second wind in no time"
" If I sleep for two hours I'll be fine for the day tomorrow."
These are some of the thoughts I had, and I told myself. THoughts that I actually believed were ok and acceptable. This is the way I lived my life for six months… half a year, it took a serious reality check for me to actually get it, that this was not ok! I got seriously sick for four months two of those months I was in the hospital, forced to withdraw from school, not able to work for two months and not able to drive for almost three, I basically had all of my independence taken away from me.
Time has passed I got better and I was finally able to live my life again, I'm now back in school back to working multiple jobs. I thought I could do it this time. I've been careful I don't think I've been pushing myself too much, but it's getting overwhelming. Call it pride or call it trying to be an overachiever I hate the fact that I am actually only human and I truly CAN NOT do it all, but that's ok….
I am only one person and it is ok to ask for help and it is ok to admit that you just CAN NOT do it all. Nobody is going to look down at you for it if anything, if you wait a minute you'll hear an applause because knowing yourself and knowing your limits while also having the courage to say no I can't take on anymore I already have a full plate and enough is enough is actually a pretty admirable trait to have.