People always seem to need to know what your favorite thing is. "What's your favorite ____?" is a question I get all the time, especially from people who don't know me very well. I think it's because knowing someone else's favorite movie or book is helpful in letting you see what their taste is, and how well it matches up with your own. However, the problem with that for me is that I don't really have any favorites!
I like so many different kinds of things that it's impossible for me to narrow down to my favorite, even to something as general as my favorite genre of something. It always just depends on my mood, what I want to do or watch or listen to that day, how I feel about the world and what I have time for. There's so little in my life that isn't circumstantial, and my tastes are no different.
Of course, there are some tried and true friends I have among the bits of different media I've exposed myself to over the years, though there are so many of them I couldn't say any of them were my definite favorite. For example: I'm a big Harry Potter nerd, and have been reading the books for over a decade. However, I couldn't say that any one of them is my favorite book! I like them all equally. I couldn't possibly choose.
I couldn't even say that Harry Potter is my favorite book series. Though it is the one I have returned to most often over the years, I still have many other books series that deserve a spot in the category of "best things I have ever read." Even though I don't read the Inheritance cycle as much as I do Harry Potter (simply because it's so much sadder), it still holds the place of a series that is incredibly written and one of my favorite stories of all time. The same goes for the Lord of the Rings books, including The Hobbit, though for a different reason than the Inheritance cycle: I find LOTR much harder to read when I'm tired, which is almost always during school, but the story itself is one of the best I have ever encountered.
Maybe it's okay to not have a favorite of anything. Maybe it just means I have very diverse tastes and like a lot of things. Regardless, I'm sure I'll keep hearing that question as I meet new people and find even more things to like. I doubt I'll ever find anything that tops everything else enough to be my favorite thing, and I don't mind that at all. It just means there's more things to like!