2016 certainly appears to have been one of the most (for lack of a better word) interesting years I have so far experienced. It's a year I would probably rather forget once it's over. We have a talking, racist, borderline-fascist orange running for president, memes of a dead gorilla have been filling our newsfeeds since July, black people are being murdered by police officers, a cartoon frog has been linked to Nazis, gay Orlando citizens were shot en masse for existing, Britain has voted to leave the EU, and it seems that every day there's a new terroristic threat to our country and people.
First, we have Mr. Donald Trump, who started out as a not-so-funny joke back in 2015, now has an actual literal shot at becoming president. As we quickly approach the election, I lose more hair and even more hope. Someone with little to no background in politics may be the ruler of our country. Someone who makes fun of disabled people could be speaking for our country at international events. Someone who is so blatantly racist might be controlling our foreign relations come January. Someone who you could easily bait with a tweet will be vetoing laws and signing bills into place, and we are all FULLY AWARE OF IT. Yet we still have people who would rather not vote in this election, which could effectively put him into power. Everyone, I'm begging you, this is so much more than just another election. This could change the face of American politics, this could change the face of America, this shouldn't be possible.
But in 2016, it is.
Adding to this wonderful year, we have the continuous shooting of black men and women by our law enforcement. As I'm typing this, articles are being spit out of the shooting of both Terence Crutcher and Keith Lamont Scott, two black men from two separate states who were both shot and killed by police officers. I mean, at this point I shouldn't even be surprised. As of July, over 130 black people were shot by police, and the number continues to grow. Let this be clear: I. Should. Not. Be. Numb. To. This. It should not be a common enough occurrence that I can't even keep up with all of the deaths, all of the names, all of the lives lost. It should NEVER be commonplace for me to hear about another black person being shot by police.
But in 2016, it is.
As a mass communications major, I care about the news. I read the news every morning when I wake up and continuously throughout my day. When something happens, I know about it. So when I saw that there was yet another mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando over the summer, I felt myself thinking "Aw, man... again?" What kind of reaction is that? It's the reaction of someone who grew up on mass shootings. I just can't believe I was alive to witness the deadliest shooting in American history.
But in 2016, I did.
Now, look, I know this article got sad real fast. Maybe you've lost hope for humanity. Maybe you're feeling worried about the future. All reasonable reactions, but let me remind you of something: 2016 just looks bad.
With all the technology we have at our beck and call, it's easier for news to spread far and wide. The reason old people think America is becoming a moral dumpster, and young people are hopeless, is because good stories don't make headlines. Let me remind you of some of the cool, amazing, awesome, totally-will-cheer-you-up things that happened in 2016.
The tiger population is growing for the first time this century.
Scientists discovered that goats are able to feel love for you just like your dogs do.
Pokemon GO started a worldwide phenomenon of young people going out and exploring their neighborhoods in addition to possibly helping prevent type 2 diabetes.
India planted more than 50 million trees in one day, which blew away the previous world record.
Thanks to all the donations from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014, researchers in 2016 discovered the gene linked to ALS, bringing us one step closer to eliminating it.
A church in Maryland offered free gas at a local BP for its community.
Four hundred teenagers from Nashville gathered to sing for their beloved teacher, who had stopped his chemotherapy.
Sri Lanka has been declared Malaria-free
An airline passenger helped a stressed out mother calm down her screaming child, stating that he wanted to help so she could rest.
And if all of this still hasn't convinced you that there's SOME good in 2016, here's a website full of all the positive things that happen every day.
I know 2016 has been rough, guys. It'll probably continue to put more and more of a strain on us. So I want you all to stay strong.
Oh, and, 2016? We get it. You can chill out, now.