On Monday November 28, 2016, a terrorist attempted to take the lives of students and staff at The Ohio University. According to CNN News, no fatalities, other than the terrorist were reported. This report also states that a police officer shot and killed the terrorist within minutes of the attack, saving hundreds.
We need to talk about what that officer did, because he did more than kill a terrorist. That officer put HIS OWN LIFE on the line for the people he was protecting. Now, I'm not a police officer, nor do I really know what it's like to be in that type of situation, but I'm pretty sure that officer did not stop and think about the strangers he was saving....
Because in reality, he put his life on the line for every LGBTQ, Muslim, Black, Hispanic, White, Native American, etc , PERSON on that campus and around that area. He was simply protecting PEOPLE. This hero put aside his differences and he saved hundreds of lives.
We should all have that mindset of that hero. He didn't care what race, sexuality, or religion those people were, yet he saved their lives. If more people had this type of mindset, we could change the world! It's time to put aside our differences and start caring for one another. If more people came together on a regular, everyday basis like they do when tragedies strike, imagine what the world would be like. It's time to put some decency and kindness back in America. We need to stop being selfish and start putting others before ourselves. In my opinion, a person's skin color, religion, sexuality or race does not define them. Their character, work ethic and how they treat others defines them. The way they live their lives defines them.
Thank You, Alan Horujko!