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These #OhioStateHateWeek Tweets Will Make Your Sides Hurt From Laughing So Hard

Penn State fans are coming in hot with hilarious memes and cackle-worthy tweets, while Ohio Staters are stuck with the only (and untrue) defense of "lol penn state sux!"

These #OhioStateHateWeek Tweets Will Make Your Sides Hurt From Laughing So Hard
Twitter | JakeWheeler

With the Penn State and Ohio State rivalry (which OSU claims isn't a thing, but we all know that isn't true) at its boiling point in anticipation for Saturday's big game, the tweets are flying. With the long-time used hashtag, Ohio State Hate Week, is blowing up and definitely does not disappoint. Penn State fans are coming in hot with hilarious memes and cackle-worthy tweets, while Ohio Staters are stuck with the only defense of "lol at penn state! we dont care about you!!! Stop trying to be rivals with us!! Your town is in the middle of nowhere!!!"

Here are some classic, yet hilarious tweets from this wonderful week in college football rivalries:

1. "The Biggest Loser."

2. Because they stink and smell.

3. "Penn State is trash?" Okay. 

4. Maybe that explains their child's choices.

5. Yup.

6. Literally a nut.

7. What's the difference?

8. A classic. 

9. School pride is a plus.

10. #Moxy

11. Not wrong.

12. Starting young.

13. A.k.a. a delivery man.

14. Did you think I wasn't going to mention this?

15. Universal agreement?

16. A true realization. 

17. Got a little help from our friends.

18. That red hoodie though. 

19. Above all, Penn State knows where to draw the line.

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