Oh The Places You'll GoPro | The Odyssey Online
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Oh The Places You'll GoPro

The best things come in the smallest packages

Oh The Places You'll GoPro
Keegan McManus

Four years ago I opened one of the most special presents I have ever received for Christmas; A brand new GoPro along with all of the best attachments one could find. I was absolutely obsessed with mastering all the features my tiny, yet extremely dynamic, camera had to offer. This compact camera has the ability to record high definition video underwater, around fire, or while being run over by a car.

My GoPro’s endurance and durability encouraged me to go on adventures and test my courage. Every single time I have left the country my GoPro has come with me. It’s like a travel buddy that can actually fit in your carry on. A GoPro is the best type of camera because it has the ability to accurately and realistically capture all your favorite memories.

The week after receiving my GoPro I travelled to Turks and Caicos which has some of the most beautiful waters in the entire world.

Not only was I extremely excited to see life under the sea through a snorkel, I was even more enthralled by the idea of getting to capture it and relive the experience when I was back home.

During the duration of our trip we went snorkeling, parasailing, and relaxed on the beach. I was lucky enough to get to capture all of our amazing experiences on my GoPro.

My favorite part about getting clips of each different activity was getting to make videos at the end of our trip that was an entire collaboration of the vacation. Seeing all of the clips spliced together and adding music and effects was always very exhilarating.

After completing these videos I could share them on social media and give all of my family the opportunity to relive our trips with us. This was extremely special because the videos and pictures could speak praises far more accurate than our descriptions.

By the time my video of Turks and Caicos had been seen by our family I had received such positive feedback that I decided to do it with all of our family trips.

My GoPro has become rather infamous because many people think that my camera is my best friend; although I don’t know why they think that as an opinion because it is simply a fact.

My GoPro has captured moments that were so important and special. One of my favorite examples was when I was able to go parasailing with my Nana in Cape May, NJ. Going parasailing had been on her bucket list for ages and I truly felt honored when I got to be the person next to her on that peaceful parasail ride.

Our ENTIRE family had never been more excited to see anything than seeing my Nana three hundred feet in the air with a smile from ear to ear. Getting to have that connection with her while taking in some of the most beautiful sights New Jersey has to offer is something that I will cherish forever.

The GoPro has had its countless opportunities to capture the most beautiful and breathtaking moments in my life.

However, it has also been responsible for making sure that my biggest failures and most painful experiences will never be forgotten. For example, while having a magnificent day on Lake George I made the horrifying decision to go Jet Skiing with my brother Corey. The horrifying part was not that I was going Jetskiing. It was that I was going to let Corey drive.

The second we left the dock I knew that I was in for a wild ride. I had the GoPro tethered to my wrist and was praying that I would not get knocked off. Corey spun in circles and did donuts at nearly 60 MPH.

While I was beginning to scream “SLOW DOW--” I was thrown off the jet ski at a rapid pace and had swallowed an absurd amount of water. I came up gasping for air and made an absolutely ridiculous face for the GoPro to capture. Although this experience seemed scary and life-threatening at the time, I quickly learned that it would be something I was going to be laughing about with my friends and family forever.

Another one of the most special moments captured on my GoPro was during a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. My high school was selected to perform at the acclaimed Fringe Festival and during our trip, we climbed to the very top of Arthur's Seat.

At the peak of the mountain I made a wish that I was going to get accepted into Wake Forest University and less than a month later, I received my acceptance letter in the mail!

The GoPro is like a travel agent, it knows how to make already breathtaking experiences look even better.

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