Oh Game Day, I Miss You Already | The Odyssey Online
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Oh Game Day, I Miss You Already

Five Things I Already Miss About Tailgate Season

Oh Game Day, I Miss You Already

Game Over. The moment we’ve all been dreading is finally here, the end of football season. No more games, no more tailgates, and no more reasons to dress from head to toe in crazy maize and blue outfits. Game Days were the one thing exciting enough to get students out of bed at 8AM, because Saturday mornings are “the best night of the week.” Even without being an avid football fan, I cherished each game day with all of my heart. It was a time to get dressed up, show school spirit, and spend all day singing and dancing with both close friends and strangers. What could be better?! Here are five things I’ll miss about Michigan during football season, a day that is purely unexplainable.

Preparing For The Day Three Weeks in Advance.

Game day is not just a few hours of celebrating. It's an event that students dream about for weeks, a motivating factor to get us through long nights of studying. Many start to think about their next outfit the second the day ends, and student's entire weekends revolve around Saturday morning festivities. No matter who you are, or where you live, it’s an event that everyone looks forward to together, one that unites the entire city of Ann Arbor as a single spirited force.

Singing and Jumping for Five Hours Straight.

Tailgates are the one day a week where it doesn’t matter how tone death you are: everyone belts the lyrics until voices are completely gone. Not only do we just sing, but scream our hearts out to the words of our favorite songs. The second the beat drops, one can count on the entire tailgate jumping up and down with more energy than a student on four espresso coffees. We dance and jump around with such enthusiasm that we break elevated surfaces in half.

The Feeling of Pure Happiness and Pride.

Every Saturday morning, I wake up with the same thought: It’s great, to be, a Michigan Wolverine. I would jump out of bed, eager for the fun and excitement the day would most certainly bring. Game day brings a warm-hearted happiness to the air. Everyone is simply happy to be here. Smiles are bigger, laughs are heartier, and the amount of pride students have is truly outrageous.

The Post Tailgate Munchies.

One word, YUM. Whether it be Maize and Blue Deli, Zimmerman’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, No Thai, or the classic Pizza House, if you didn’t end Game Day by eating enough for 10 people, you didn’t do it right. I’ll admit it, the day leaves you absolutely positively starving, and nothing is better than the first bite of a juicy sandwich or cheesy slice of margarita pizza. No amount of food is too much food on game day!

The Most Glorious Nap In The World.

Picture it now. You’ve been outside since 9AM and all you can think about is one thing: your bed. You make the treck all the way back to your dorm and finally, its right infront of you. You jump in, pull the covers over your head, and have the best four hours of sleep one could ever ask for. After your nap has come to an end, you wake up in a true state of confusion. What time is it? Can it really still be the same Saturday I woke up to? Finally, it’s time to look through your camera roll, reminisce on the fun you just had, and look forward to what next Saturday will bring. Oh Game day, I miss you already.

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