Did you see the sun? The moon and the sun today? They were like, together. An "eclipse" they call it. I noticed something was up when I checked Facebook last week and the country started posting about it every day. Good thing, too. Else I would've missed it.
I saw it, you know. The eclipse. I took a pic on my phone but it wasn't very impressive. Basically looked like the sun was a little off. My neighbor let me take a peek using four or five pairs of sunglasses stacked on top of each other. Very safe. In my peek, which lasted less than a second due to my fear of Mr. Golden, I saw the sun in a slight crescent. Like it was eating the moon. Sucking on it. Like a strawberry. "Ew, Sun," I said. My neighbor said "what?"
Animals could feel the eclipse. The birds were acting up. Not all of them. A few were vocal. Maybe because they hadn't seen an eclipse before and they don't have Facebook to tell them what's going down. I can understand that. Had I seen the slight dim in sunlight around me without prior knowledge of the eclipse, I may have dropped my newly purchased jar of chia seeds and sprinted into the brush. I went to Walmart.com. There was also a turtle on the road who was scared. I think I've picked that turtle up three times this month and escorted it to the nearest water source. But only once during an eclipse! I saw a deer, too. That was pretty normal. My parrot didn't care about the eclipse. If she did, she hid her emotions very well. She didn't really react when we watched Get Him To The Greek either, but then again, neither did I.
Everyone said I shouldn't look at the eclipse without special glasses or I would go blind, roasting my retinas until they suffered permanent damage. The kind of damage you don't care about until family is involved. So I didn't look up with my nude sockets. I noticed Donald Trump did though. I expected Baron to tell him not to, but when Mr. President wants something you can't stop him from getting what he wants. Unless you're a judge. I'm not surprised he did what he did. I want things to be better.
There's not gonna be another eclipse like this for a bit. I think the next solar eclipse across the United States will be in 2024. I Googled it but I didn't double check. How would I rate this eclipse? It was alright. I wasn't that excited for it anyway so I had no hopes to destroy. I'm more impressed looking at the moon on its own than looking at it next to the sun. But that's just my opinion. I'm easy to please. I like the moon. It doesn't need any gimmicks for me to appreciate it. The Sun is cool too. And hot. I appreciate everything the Sun does for me, but the eclipse was just not my cup of tea. Don't feel bad if you missed it, just look up pictures of it if you want. Here's one I took: