It's that time of year again. The high school seniors are getting back letters of acceptance from the colleges they applied to and households fill with joy and anticipation of the adventure that awaits. Two of these seniors this year happen to be my twin brothers. Just weeks ago they had sent off their applications to Baylor and awaited the hopefully exciting news of their acceptance for the fall of 2017 and now they both have acceptance letters from the school I love so dearly. So without further ado,
Nick and Chase,
I could not be more excited for you and the journey you are about to embark on. Baylor is such a home to me and I am ecstatic that I get to share it with you starting next fall. It is almost surreal to think that there will soon be three Heidenreiters on campus instead of just the one. I hope that Baylor will be for you the comfort and happiness it has been for me. I hope you will thrive here and enjoy your college years just as much or even more than I have so far. More than anything, I hope you find your place in the Baylor family. Even though we all will have such different majors and friend groups, it will be nice to know I always have two of my best friends just down the street. No doubt we will fight over who gets the car on the weekends though. ;) There are so many things for you to experience here, from Line Camp, to your first time running that good ol' Baylor line, to the absolute enchantment of Christmas on 5th when December rolls around. College is the most exciting adventure and it is one that I know you both will take in stride. Take this time that you have left in high school to spend with your friends and make lasting memories and then leave room for plenty of new ones! I love you both more than words can say. It will be really strange for mom and dad to have half of our immediate family living in Waco and the other half back home!
Payton (Your one and only best older sister ever)