As a teenage girl, I get it. As girls, we analyze every part of ourselves to see if we measure up to what the world describes as beautiful. We try and edit ourselves to hopefully be deemed as acceptable. I'm not saying that personal hygiene and wanting to look nice is wrong or bad at all, but it becomes a sin when it grows into idolatry of self.
When our identity is solely focused on how others will view us and if our physical appearance is pretty enough, we lose sight of what is actually beautiful... YOU. Your personality, your heart, how God made you to be. That is what is beautiful.
As I've grown up, I surprisingly haven't had many battles with self image, and that is because early on I was able to see myself finally as a cherished daughter of The King and not someone subject to the views of others. It was around the sixth grade when I became no longer a slave to the opinions of others about how I looked. My prayer for all you girls out there is that you see yourself as a masterpiece hand crafted by the creator of the universe.
As goofy as it sounds, when I came to love who God created me to be, I ended up also loving the little things about me that the world might not see as beautiful, but I do. For example, ever since I was young, I've had lots of scars and ridges on my knees. Growing up, I had a few hard falls on concrete that to this day I can still see the marks they left. I remember though that one day I was about to try and remove my marks, but I stopped myself because I realized that without them I would not have a little piece of me that is unique. As strange as that may be, those scars represent the fun times of walking the dog with my family. Although, yes I tripped, and it really hurt, I have fun memories of those times.
When those chains of needing to fit the world's standards of beauty left me, I realized that I stopped obsessing over what I looked like. One day I hope to find a husband, but I hope that he does not see me as beautiful solely for physicality. If all we found attractive about each other is how we looked, then this fleeting expectation of attractiveness would be gone as soon as I was seen without makeup or with my hair out of sorts.
Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised". This verse is so beautiful because it shows how The Lord values selflessness and a heart to honor Him. The Lord sees value in who you are and not solely by what you look like. He created us to be worshipful creatures, and we can choose to either worship Him or worship ourselves.
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but which beholder should we listen to? If all we have to judge our beauty is by every single person's differing opinion, then there truly would be no way to ever be content with yourself. Also, since everyone has changing perspectives, what is the standard for beauty? How much makeup you wear? Or how much money you spent on your clothes?
When will the striving cease?
For we are created in the image of God, and we are His creation. We were not aimlessly placed here for the sake of living for ourselves. If that were true, then there would be no real purpose for living. There must be more.
And there is.
The Gospel teaches that Christ was born, and He lived a perfect life. He then, died on the cross for us. He took on sin and bore the nails, wood, spear, and thorns that should have been our punishment. Three days later, He conquered death and rose form the grave. Because of this victory in Christ, there is no need to question whether or not you are valued and cherished.
To be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with The Lord, all you have to do is talk to Him. There aren't any magical words to say, but He wants to know your heart. Admitting to Him that you're a sinner, asking for forgiveness and asking for Him to come into your heart is really all that is needed. He knows every little thing about you, and He wants to have a relationship with you.
You, oh beautiful one, are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14).
If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask in the comment section below!