I'll answer that for you.
So gather up your friends, your Pilsners, and your N-64 and prepare yourselves for a wild, Rainbow Road ride.
Here are the (Semi) official rulebook of Beerio Kart.
Step 1: Obtain an Nintendo 64.
Beerio Kart is for professionals. No, Susan, you're not a professional with your stupid Wii remote. Put that down and grab an N64 controller.
Note: N64 owner is the only player allowed to use the translucent, jewel-toned controllers.
Don't yell at me. It's the rules.
Step 2: Chug.
Gotta start somewhere.
Step 3: Blow on the game cartridge and the system to clear debris.
It's scientifically proven to make it work better.
The object of the game is, obviously, to win. To win, players must be first across the finish line and have finished their entire drink.
1. Each player must BYOB.
There's no way I am providing something for everyone.
2. When the game starts and the light turns green, players may either:
- Fly like the mother-effing wind and leave a badass dust trail behind them in the attempt to engrave their name in first place
-Drink as much beer as possible.
3. You must come to a complete stop before drinking.
Drinking and driving is bad.
4. No drinking and rolling/skidding/reversing.
Complete stop means complete stop. Like, a stop sign in a school zone with a cop staring at you stop.
5. One player must play as a Traffic Cop to ensure there is no drinking and driving and no premature drinking.
And yes, cops can arrest. Handcuffs optional, yet highly recommended.
6. Finishing the race without finishing your beer is automatic last place.
Come on, there are two steps. Finish your beer. Finish the race. How can you screw that up?
7. Players that play as Peach have to be made fun of for everything they do.
Why? Because she deserves it. Trust me on this one.
Happy Beerio Kart-ing!