The Office can make any bad day a good day. Half the time Michael Scott just says the things we are thinking out loud. Here are some super relatable The Office Memes for #collegelife.
1. When you get put in a group project and end up doing all the work.
2. When someone bolts in front of your car, when they're not even in the cross walk.
3. When you have that one super hard professor who is out to ruin your life.
4. Let's face it, Wikepedia has saved us all at some point.
5. When you are about to walk into the test you didn't study for and think you might die.
6. When you have a foreign TA with a really strong accent and small handwriting.
7. When you're asked about your take on life in an interview or philosophy class.
8. When you're RA gives the obligated, "No drinking or smoking" talk.
9. When you check to see all the student loans you have to pay back.
10. Finally, when you get a 79 instead of a B because you said that 2 + 2= 5.
All I have to say is thank you Michael Scott for saying aloud what we have all thought at some point.