NBC's The Office is one of the most popular television shows of all time. Here is a ranking of the Christmas episodes from best to worst (even though they are all great). Enjoy!
1. Secret Santa (Season 6, episode 13)
When Phyllis is told she can be Santa, Michael is outraged. It is the ultimate battle of the Santa's.
2. Classy Christmas (Season 7, episode 11)
Holly is back and Michael is determined to have the best party possible in hopes of winning her back. Also, the epic Dwight v. Jim snowball fight happens reminding us all that "the greatest snowball isn't a snowball at all, it's fear."
3. Dwight's Christmas (Season 9, episode 9)
Belsnickel, an odd interpretation of Santa, rules the office for a day deciding if the workers are impish or admirable. "So he's kind of like Santa, except dirty, and worse."
4. Christmas Wishes (Season 8, episode 10)
Andy spends the day granting everyone their Christmas wishes, but Erin takes it too far. "Are you a liar or a murderer!?"
5. Benihana Christmas (Season 3, episode 10)
Andy takes Michael, who is heartbroken over a breakup, to Benihana to cheer him up. Micheal comes back to the office drunk and with two new girlfriends.
6. Christmas Party (Season 2, episode 10)
Michael buys alcohol for the Christmas party and things go too far.
7. Moroccan Christmas (Season 5, episode 10)
An intervention is staged after one worker sets their hair on fire. Dwight buys stock in a popular Christmas gift. "Fa la la la la la la ka ching."