This article was inspired by recent events that occurred in my family.
The Officeis a series that will continue to live on just like Friends—viewers binge watching endless episodes hoping to muffle reality. It was a show filled with the perfect dose of humor and authenticity. From witty banter between coworkers to the outrageous comments pouring out of Michael Scott’s mouth, everyone that watched the show could relate. Now, it may be easy to find a good show that is relatable but why was The Office so important in my life?
With a large, busy family come endless errands, conflicting schedules and TV dinners. Few memories are made together and planning is a must.
Growing up, my parents were the hard-working type. My mom stayed up until dawn, burning the midnight oil. My step-dad busted ass just to keep us financially afloat. We were a family of six with more expenses than income coming in. Financial struggle turned to emotional turmoil and sooner than later we were walking on egg shells around each other just to avoid confrontation. In high school, I eventually picked up a part-time job to earn my own money and to alleviate stress from my parents. Although we had our moments of war, battling between living an affordable lifestyle and maintaining our relationships with one another, we always overcame.
The Office aired in 2005 but I didn’t start watching it until the 4th season. I picked it up as my own guilty pleasure and appreciated the temporary comic relief. Although The Office was a goofy sitcom, I connected with the characters on a whole other level (from the love affairs between Dwight and Angela to the family bond of Jim and Pam Halpert). What was once my own personal addiction, The Office turned into a family tradition. Introducing the show to my family in high school, it changed our lives forever. No matter what we faced, The Office was a show that brought us together. It’s like all our worries were placed on the back burner and we could socialize, laugh and relate in ways that we never did before.
Not only do I thank The Office for the “coming together” of my family but I appreciated their level of appropriateness. It was the perfect amount of humor without crossing the line, allowing for all members of my family to watch it. It may have been 'just another sitcom' to many, but The Office taught my family life lessons and created a sense of unity in my household. To this day, we still watch reruns and it warms my heart to see us bond in a way that removes all the stress in our everyday lives.