Hi there. Me again. Today I was scrolling through Odyssey's homepage, as I often do, and felt so inspired. However, there are a few things that I often notice and can't stay silent on these things any longer. This isn't for Odyssey creators, this is for everyone human who is alive and reading this at this present moment.
Get over yourself, please.
Yes, you read that right. We live in a day and age where seemingly everyone is offended by everything. Most of this is for good reason and, obviously, you have that right. However, today I noticed something different. I came across so many articles about offense today. It seems we are all offended by the presidential candidates, or racial issues, or different religions, or movies, or restaurants, or something.
Why? Is offense really this necessary, or is it a mindset? I'm not saying that some things aren't serious issues and that those things aren't worth being offended over. What I am saying, though, is that those things that aren't worth it, those things that we get offended about for no reason at all, are those things worth it? I don't think they are. Offense hinders you. It doesn't hinder the person/people you're offended at. It hinders you and you alone. Don't let someone else determine your levels of happiness or your levels of success.
Those unnecessary offenses come from one thing: selfishness. I had a professor tell me one time that selfishness+self-centeredness= destruction, and that is so true. Unnecessary offense leads to destruction. Always and every time. Notice I said unnecessary offense, not offense in general. But those things, those little tiny things that we want to try to make into something they aren't, those are the things that can ultimately lead to destruction.
To be frank, I think we all just need to take a step back, assess the damage, and get over ourselves. Like I said, this selfishness is the root of these unnecessary offenses. Maybe we would all be a lot happier if we started thinking of others before us. We are not the center of the universe.