In this time, we are living with one of the most frequent words to come up in conversation with virtually everyone: the word, "sorry." It seems as though everyone has become hypersensitive to anyone having a slightly different view, or opinion, than what they believe to be true. Granted, opposition has never been easy, but it did not used to have such weight to it as it does now.
Almost anything you say, or do, runs the risk of offending someone. For example, Starbucks simply changing their cups to be solid red for the holidays caused social controversy all over the nation. The uproar came from people saying that Starbucks was trying to get rid of their affiliations to the Christmas holiday. However, if you go into almost any store there are signs saying Merry Christmas, and there are holiday themed cups to buy. Just by changing their winter design, they offended thousands of people. If it is that easy to offend someone with a cup, I can't imagine what our mouths are capable of.
Now, I am not suggesting that people should be completely insensitive to one another, and shove their views down everyone's throats. Actually, I'm proposing just the opposite. Everyone came from different backgrounds which will produce people who see the world differently from the person next to them -- and that's OK. We should be sensitive to people, and not be arrogant enough to believe that our way is the only way. Citizens of the United States of America are fortunate enough to live in a place where people from all cultures and backgrounds are free to have the ability to claim their religions and opinions in public. Other countries are not as fortunate to have the freedoms that we have here. However, if we keep taking offense and shutting down someone who does not agree with the popular opinion then how are we any different?
Everyone is always saying how the school systems in America produce cookie cutter thinking, so why are the same people critiquing how everyone thinks the same bashing someone the minute they have a conflicting belief or opinion? Each person is fully capable of perceiving the world around them and creating thoughts about what is surrounding them. To bash them for not seeing it the same way that you do is what is insensitive on a deeper level.
On the other hand, if we are censoring ourselves and walking around on eggshells all the time then what is the point of having conversation? People have started to become scared to share their thoughts in fear that they will upset or offend someone -- hence, "sorry" constantly comes up in everyday conversation. As cliché as it sounds, why can't we all just get along? It's OK to not agree with someone -- just respect their opinion and they'll typically do the same for you. There doesn't need to be this much hostility in the world over insignificant things that ultimately will not change anything.
So, the next time you come across someone who does not agree with you maybe take the time to hear their side and why they believe what they do. In the end, I promise that you can still disagree and potentially walk away learning something.