Today I was on Twitter and not two scrolls in I was offended. It was some post about how being gay is a choice and I lost my shit. It wasn’t directed at me, it wasn’t even posted by a friend of mine. It didn’t affect how I think, live, or love, but I was offended.
It doesn’t matter what their race, religion, or sexual orientation is people have the amazing talent to finding something (primarily on the internet) to become offended by. I’m here to tell you that it’s a goddamn waste of time.
Today’s society is so weak. I don’t mean to say that insensitively. Do you remember the days when you’d see something you were uncomfortable with and you just kept your mouth shut? Ah, the good old days when my holding hands with my girlfriend didn’t make a bunch of CIS white men go off the rails.
The new thing to be offended by is race, too. Americans are the worst when it comes to people from the Middle East. They’ll see a picture of a guy named Muhammad and instantly be offended even if his last name is Ali. How can you be offended by a profile photo of a colored man? It is literally not affecting your way of life, move on.
Being offended is a waste of time, especially if you are some kind of artist. The saying goes, “Art is supposed to make you feel something”. Whether it be good or bad your art, your work is supposed to make people feel something. If your goal was to make them happy and they get pissed off, I think that’s great! It’s better they feel something than nothing at all. I can’t stress enough how important it is to put content out there for people to see and not give a shit, as long as it makes you feel good.
The person who put out the post about how being gay is a choice really believes that and did it probably to piss someone like me off. They accomplished their goal, but I’m also going to work to not be offended by things anymore. Why? 'Cause it is a waste of my time.