With over 100 champions in "League of Legends" right now, it's only common that there are going to be picks that don't make sense. If someone said Kog'Maw jungle was a thing, most people would say "WTF no way!" Well, this article is going to have you saying WTF a lot.
1. Kog"maw Jungle
Let's start things off with the example I gave above. According to Champion.gg, jungle Kog has a 52.95 percent win rate as of right now. His highest win rate in this role was patch 6.11, with a 55 percent win rate. Of course, these numbers should be taken with a grain of salt, since jungle Kog'Maw is only being played in 0.81 percent of games. While his first clear is pretty not great, he can clear very well after that. Most people build Bloodrazor in the jungle, then into Runaan's Hurricane and Berserker's Greaves. Of course, you will max W first on Kog'Maw. With Kog in the jungle, he can just stack all of these items that allows him to shred through everything in existence once he as four to six items. So Guinsoo's Rageblade is also core on him, but not a rush item.
2. Orianna Support
Orianna is typically seen in the mid lane, but her utility can also be used in the bot lane. With the changes to Talisman of Ascension and Athene's Unholy Grail, this champion as support is better than ever. You will want to max E, then W and then Q. If you put the ball on your ADC, the marksman gains bonus armor bad magic resistance due to the passive on E-Command: Protect. And if you have Athene's, not only will your E give ans shield and bonus armor and MR to the ADC, but it would heal that champion as well. You can also speed up your ADC with your W-Command: Dissonance. And the utility on your R-Command: Shockwave can not be understated. Even without building much AP on support Orianna, she can still pack a punch and can provide much needed utility and follow up CC that teams need.
3. Ezreal Mid
One of my personal favorites, Ezreal mid is a champion that can take down almost anyone if you build AP. Even though you see Ezreals mainly in the bot lane, his AP scalings on his abilities are very good. Early game in laning phase isn't the best, but once you get a couple items under your belt, he dishes out severe damage. Core items on mid lane AP Ezreal include Hextech Gunblade, Sorcerer's Shoes, Void Staff and Lich Bane. Ezreal's ult can almost one shot squishy carries on the back line and he can also kite very well with his E-Arcane Shift. Not only that, but he can trade and farm in laning phase quite safely with his abilities. Overall, AP Ezreal can do decent into most matchups besides assassins and his damage spikes heavily once he has about 3 items, but don't discredit his early game damage either. His W damage is almost free harass since it hits all champions in that linear line.