If you're an education major or a current teacher you've probably heard some, if not all, of these things.
1. "You're not going to make any money."
If I wanted to make a lot of money, I'd be an engineering major or a doctor. Instead, I'm pursuing what I love and actually want to do with my life.
2. "I couldn't be a teacher."
Good thing I'm the one who's going to be teaching and not you!
3. "Oh, you chose an easy major/career"
The gif says it all.
4. "You must really like kids."
I mean yeah, I like kids. Why would I choose a major dealing primarily with kids if I didn't like them?
5. "You better marry rich."
Seriously though, why would you even say this to someone?
6. "Good luck finding a job."
Again, why would you even say this to someone? As a college student, we worry enough about finding a job after graduation and we definitely don't need your negativity.
7. "I hope you have enough patience to work with kids all the time."
Do I have patience to work with kids all the time? Yes. Do I have the patience to deal with you? No.
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