Coming into writing for Odyssey I didn't know what i was getting myself into. I had never written any sort of article, blog, feature, nothing. This was really leap of faith and just hoping I could make some sort of difference. So, to any future writer, you will be OK and coming to Odyssey was one of my best decisions and hopefully it will be yours as well.
I really thought when i joined that I was going to set the world ablaze with deep works and let people know I had arrived or whatever. Okay, well that has not happened but I have had an amazing time writing. Not every article is going to be this ground moving piece that's going to make people think.
Sometimes writing that listicle of "10 Beauty Hacks" is something that can connect just as well. You want to think that every time you put words onto a word document some big time publisher will come along and see it. Maybe it could happen, but it doesn't have to, as long as you like what you have put down that's all that matters.
Pro tip, read your friends articles as well. Give them some feedback let them know that you care about their work as well. It is a great way to make friends and also let them know that you have their back. Everyone in your group is trying write some great and passionate content just as much as you are.
Don't be a dick and rip their article and say what you would have done, not cool bro. Instead, give them some feedback and ask them what they meant they used a certain word, phrase, adjective, etc. Be a good friend and be there for your fellow writers, they can also help you too!
I want to reiterate here, WRITE WHAT YOU LOVE. Write about the things you love, don't try to go for 20,000 views every time. If you're going for views every time you write, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons. It's not about the fame, glamour, or being the next big thing. Writing is one of the best art forms in the world, let your writing bleed with passion and show that you care about something. Don't be fake is the point here, write passionately.
This might be the biggest words of encouragement I can give you, don't pay attention to the views. This is honestly the easiest ways to get psyched out from continuing to write for Odyssey. I'll be honest, I have had articles that have only gotten 30 views tops and yeah cannot lie it did get me down. Nothing is worse than having the feeling that no one cares about what you wrote about. But, really that's not true at all.
Out of those 30 people that read my article, maybe it made a real difference in their life and that means a lot. That's what I can tell you, no matter what your writing is making a difference in someone's life, never ever forget that. Do not let the views destroy you, keep going you're making a difference.
To all the future Odyssey writers and maybe this goes out to those that are already here. Keep on writing and always remember that you are definitely making a difference to not only someone reading, but to yourself. Even if it is a silly listicle, it is your silly listicle. Or if it is something that you needed to share to other because it was deep to you, someone probably has had the same experience as you. Your writing will bring people together. Keep making art with your words.