Readers connect with Odyssey creator content because of the genuine nature of these perspectives shared.
This month, we want to take things a step further by providing our users with data to support their perspectives and enrich their articles. Odyssey recently conducted a survey of users' drinking habits during quarantine, the results of which are being made available in a simple graphic below.
Follow the steps to create a piece of content on this topic yourself.
- NOTE: If you are discussing your own drinking habits, you must be 21 years old.
How To:
- Start a new post in Odyssey's CORE
- Submit under Community: Lifestyle for a chance to be featured on Odyssey's Facebook and Instagram
- Don't have an account? CREATE ONE.
When writing your article:
Step 1: Review the overall findings of the survey, and pick your article angle.
- Go to the survey results article here: We Surveyed Millennials And Gen Z About Their Quarantine Drinking Habits — Cheers
- Look for data points you identify with or feel would help support your experience with this topic.
- For example:
- Wine was the most popular alcoholic beverage in the millennial/GenZ age group, and you yourself have really gotten into wine as well. Write about your experience learning about or finding good wine during quarantine. A headline for this might look like:
- This Survery Says Gen Zers Are Drinking More Wine In Quarantine, And That Checks Out
- Wine was the most popular alcoholic beverage in the millennial/GenZ age group, and you yourself have really gotten into wine as well. Write about your experience learning about or finding good wine during quarantine. A headline for this might look like:
- For example:
- Be considerate of your audience when choosing a topic.
Step 2: When writing your article, make sure to include specific survey findings.
- We recommend writing a piece based on your individual perspective or experience with alcohol consumption, as opposed to an assessment of the survey findings.
- Mention the findings within the article where applicable.
- For example: "A group of my friends decided to start a virtual wine club, and it seems we're not alone. In a recent survey, 43 percent of people my age prefer wine as their drink of choice during lockdown."
- Link to the survey findings article if applicable.
Step 3: Embed the survey findings graphic into your piece using the entry editor.
- In the CMS, use the entry editor to add an "embed" to your article.
- Copy and paste the following embed code:
- (everything within the quotes): "<div class="canva-embed" data-design-id="DAD6p9q7xNM" data-height-ratio="1.8235" style="padding:182.3529% 5px 5px 5px;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.03);border-radius:8px;"></div><script async src=""></script><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Odyssey Drinking Survey</a> by OdysseyHQ"
- When embedded correctly, the graphic should look like this: