How Odyssey & The Notes On My Phone Helped Me Become A Better Writer | The Odyssey Online
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How Odyssey & The Notes On My Phone Helped Me Become A Better Writer

'Sneezing in a frat' soon to come.

How Odyssey & The Notes On My Phone Helped Me Become A Better Writer

Being a writer, or trying to be, can be overwhelming most of the time. The idea of what to write about is a constant struggle in a writer's psyche. If you try to just sit down and think of something, the idea almost never comes. This is why, if inspiration strikes, you have to write it down, immediately. I have dozens of different categories of notes on my phone. There are pieces called articles to write, and then there's a note called things to write about.

You might not see how these things are different but my brain categorizes things very strangely when it comes to writing. Articles to write about can be serious topics like things happening in the news now, or relatable ideas that I might have fun writing and publishing on the Odyssey for other people to read. Things to write about is where I put my ideas that I would write just for myself. If I can think of a few beautiful sentences to write about something, I can't just lose the topic. Who knows, one day these notes might come in handy.

My lists get funny sometimes, too. My phone is always in my hand, even when I'm out with my friends or, I don't know, at the frats on the weekends. Sometimes I go to write in my notes and there's a surprise topic from weekend me. My most recent, and favorite random note, is "sneezing in a frat," categorized under things to write about. I was so taken aback by my sneeze, and the reaction of the people around me, that I had to whip out my phone immediately and document the topic.

Being a writer can be extremely tedious and frustrating, and keeping track of ideas is just one way to minimize the stress that comes with writing. For me, there are weeks where elegant words, or words that even make sense, just can't be produced by my brain. It's like a vocabulary brain fart that lasts for way too long. It's the most frustrating time, but when these times happen, I know I'll be back on my A-game better than ever in just a few days, hopefully. Right now is actually one of those times, if you couldn't already tell from my use of the word 'brain fart'.

Since I've started writing for the Odyssey, I've been more and more invested in my writing and not just on this platform. I have way more personal pieces that don't see the light of day than I did when I started being a creator for the Odyssey team. This has opened my eyes to just how much time it takes to write, and really commit to the art. Once the creative juices start flowing, I feel like I can do anything.

Writing a good piece is satisfying and almost liberating. The reassurance that you might actually be able to do this for a living, despite all the doubts the general public has about the 'dying' job, is so important to keep your head in the game. So, thank you, Apple, for making it so easy for me to jot down the random, stupid and sometimes brilliant ideas I have at any moment and continue to do my best to try to make words happen.

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