For those who do not know, I am a senior at the University of West Georgia. I am an English major with a minor in Creative Writing. As such, writing is an immense part of my life. I do it here, on my own website and at school. I also do it from time to time on Upwork to make some cash. This is my last full semester at UWG, and I am taking my Senior Seminar class in addition to three other 4000-level classes as a well as an Intermediate Spanish class as per my degree requirements.
Senior Seminar alone will absolutely dominate my time. However, it, accompanied by all the other classes, will be an immense workload. I also owe it to myself and the microscopic following I have garnered to continue working on my own site. I also need sleep and some relaxation time to keep myself sane. Y'know, all work and no play makes Jack Nicholson try to kill Shelly Duvall and that annoying little kid.
It’s for all of these reasons that I must take a hiatus from Odyssey. I wish I did not have to, but it seems like the best decision I can make given what is going on in my life at this moment. I have enjoyed working on this website quite a bit. I enjoy the atmosphere, the dedication to giving millennials a voice and the accepting nature of the site. I love how varied the offerings by the site are. You really can find it all here.
If I am able, I would like to return to the site and continue working once the semester is over. That’s not exactly my decision, and it is up to my editors and the other individuals in charge of the site. They may not want me back given the fact that I am quitting on them and have had pretty sparse posts as of late. If that is their decision, I completely understand and will not hold it against them. If they take me back, all the better, and I look forward to writing for all of you in the future.
I loved being able to go on my random comic book tangents for this site. I wish I had continued my “This Was Real” series more. I couldn’t think of anything on the level of Hate-Monger with the exception of maybe Doop or Talking Tawny. Maybe I can continue that later down the line.
I was also really happy to have a platform on which to heir my grievances with the 2016 Presidential Election. That genuinely helped me quite a bit. I live in the South, and my parents were not really receptive to my opinions on our future president.
I want to leave you with some thoughts. Never stop believing in heroes. Never stop trying to be your best self. You are never alone. Even if you think you are, there is someone out there with the same ideals as you who cares about you without even knowing you. Never stop trying to make the world a better place, because it’s worth it, you’re worth it and the people you care about are worth it.
Now, I take my bow, and I hope to see you all again soon. If you want to see some more of my writing in the near future, check out my site.
Farewell and good luck.