How I Got Proposed To Via Screenshot | The Odyssey Online
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How I Got Proposed To Via Screenshot

Odyssey is a platform for millennial voices and romances, apparently.

How I Got Proposed To Via Screenshot

Odyssey is obviously a very powerful tool for millennials to share their voice. This week, it also found me a husband? Trust me, I'm as shocked as you are.

I wrote an article about the things I learned from being in theater throughout middle and high school. My managing editor, Alissa (also the bee's knees) told me on our weekly call that she would put it in Radford University's group conversation because a lot of their creators are into theater.

I went to work at State Farm and didn't think about it again until my wonderful group of fellow editors-in-chief started blowing up the group chat. Wondering what this always-entertaining group of girls was talking about, I soon realized they were talking about me. Awkward.

To which I responded like any good theater kid, "Lesson 6: Improvisation. Roll with it. I'm down." Then came the warnings about him being a cat person, questions of his future plans, and statements like, "he has a really big heart" and "but like is he cute." Obviously, I found this hilarious.

So, like any good millennial, I made a Facebook status about it, figuring that would be the end of this hilarious joke. Well, my fellows editors would not leave this alone.

Cue my face going super-red because I get embarrassed incredibly easily. Meanwhile, in the group chat, wedding planning had begun. A destination wedding was proposed in New York City with the reception to be held at Odyssey's Headquarters. A feasible idea, until someone suggested having the wedding in Times Square, which our resident New Yorker, Alissa, shot down with speed that would make Katniss Everdeen jealous.

Upon receiving a friend request from my now-fiancé, I messaged him to see what he thought about the whole destination wedding idea.

Thanks to Odyssey having communities all around the country, we were able to quickly survey several places at once, and since he refuses to admit that South Carolina is more beautiful than Virginia, Hope, the EIC at Santa Clara University, threw out the idea of Northern California, which was widely accepted as one of the best destinations.

After some details were nailed down (we will have one dog and one cat, the wedding cake will be cheesecake, and "One Day More" from Les Mis will be played at the rehearsal dinner), we were able to actually talk about life in general. My major is his minor, I introduced him to the adorableness that is a corgador, and we discussed our mutual hate for Alabama's football team and love of the Cowboys despite their flaws.

So to John, thanks for putting up with our EIC shenanigans of wedding planning and for actually being a really cool guy.

To the rest of you, look for a save the date coming soon to a mailbox near you.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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