There are some weeks when I am completely inspired to write. Other weeks, I am not inspired and don't know what to write. With an over-saturation of content lately, it's hard to stay original. Here is a list of some article ideas that can potentially help someone who's writing an article for Odyssey, or even another platform.
1. A response to a recent news article or opinion piece that you've read.
2. X Beauty products you use that aren't tested on animals.
3. An article outlining ways that people can support a specific cause, such as preventing family separation at the border.
4. X things you do for yourself to boost your confidence.
5. An article about someone who has profoundly impacted your life and why.
6. Why you love or hate being single.
7. An article about things you should know when traveling to __________.
8. An article about what inspires you to be creative and why.
9. An article about something you thought you would regret doing and didn't end up regretting it.
10. An article about what media sources you trust for your news and why you trust them.
11. X thoughts you had about a recent episode of television.
Odyssey can be an incredible platform to share important thoughts we have about the world going on around us. Let's continue to contribute to conversations intelligently while also sharing some articles on pop culture and entertainment that are all of our guilty pleasures.