To all my fellow ballet dancers, even if you are no longer dancing, this one is for you. Here is what life as a ballet dancer looks like:
Needs to reach something high up *immediately goes into sous-sus*
Body hurts *tries to crack whole body, even while in public*
Empty hallway or grocery aisle *does piqué turns down the whole thing*
People won’t stop making fun of how you walk *continues to walk with a serious turnout anyway (they don’t know your life)*
Hears a new song *immediately mentally choreographs an entire routine*
Someone calls their messy bun a ballet bun *gets slightly angry inside*
Sees a new ballet video on Youtube *immediately watches, along with every other ballet video on the Internet*
First sign of Christmas approaching *NUTCRACKER NUTCRACKER NUTCRACKER*
Hears "across the floor" *immediately starts sweating in nervous panic*
Puts hands flat on the floor while stretching in gym class *revels in everyone's gaping stares at your flexibility*
Looks down one day and notices all ten toenails are there *knows it's a good day*
Is pushed to the point of absolute physical exhaustion every day *would never change a thing*
Once a ballet dancer, always a ballet dancer.