I have no idea what I'm doing. Not exclusively in this instance as I am typing this (although, let me assure you, I really have no idea what to do) but in general. All throughout my life I have had no idea what has been going on. In grade school I wouldn't pay attention when the teacher was going over something new, and so when we were given worksheets to solve problems on the new topic, I would kinda just sit there, too afraid to ask for help and admit that I had been day dreaming instead of listening. As a result of this, I became quite good at winging it. You know, bullshitting, making stuff up on the spot. Whatever you want to call it, I became quite good at it.
In high school I found this particularly helpful in getting myself out of trouble, and in passing classes. I took the subjects which I had discovered allowed me to get good grades provided I knew enough information to bullshit and string out a half decent essay. In college, this trend followed suit and I am in fact majoring in one of these bullshit prone subjects.
Most importantly, winging it has given me the ability to not give a damn. Everyone at this fucking school walks around like they have their shit together, and you know damn well that no one has their shit together in life, let alone this school. This has led me to the conclusion that everything will be alright in the end. No one has their shit together, everyone is winging it, and frankly it doesn't really matter if someone is doing slightly better than you. Shit, take pleasure in what you have.
Are you happy? Do people love you? Can you afford food? Do you have friends? People you can talk to? Someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have electricity?
Honestly, there is really nothing you cannot wing. Everything is wingable. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have a problem ask yourself this. "Is there something you can do about it? If you can, then don't worry about it. If you cannot, then don't worry about it.
And if you find yourself in a position where you don't know what to do but you can't get out of it, just stick your head down and push through it, you can do it. Because, everything will be alright in the end. And although I say that, I cannot really be certain. But you know what, if its not going to be alright in the end, there is shit all we can do about it, so lets just live in the moment and enjoy it for a while.
And if you think you're fucked, just watch this video and you can do anything. But first, here's some background courtesy of Vice.
"On this day of our lord ten years and one day ago, Guy Goma, so the story goes, was sat in BBC Television Centre awaiting a job interview as a data support cleanser in the company's IT department. Meanwhile, in a separate reception area called 'Stage Door', internet expert Guy Kewney was preparing for an on-air interview about Apple vs. Apple. You can see where this is going. A producer went to the wrong reception area and asked for someone called 'Guy' who was awaiting an interview. Guy Goma said he was Guy. Guy Kewney watched in confusion as a man who was not him but had his name was interviewed on BBC News. A legend was made."
Anyway, here is the video.