You are different every time I see you,
in no two instances do you ever carry the same meaning,
and that excites me. You are ever-changing,
and I myself am often changed in part by you.
Your multi-colored personality, always catching me off guard,
is something I would never try to control, even when
you give me the option.
With you, I am able to communicate in ways
my ancestors would have never been able to fathom.
My endorphins rush whenever I see you,
the anticipation of multitudes you may contain
is an addiction I will gladly embrace.
I long for you in your absence, cloning you
time and again in hopes others that use you,
will return the favor and give me a new fix.
As with any addiction, you are toxic,
as frequently as you are a blessing. Sometimes moreso,
yet I will never hold you in a negative light.
As with my other vices, you, o text bubble, are
a beautiful disaster.
Manipulated by us all in some form or another,
you are ever growing, changing, and blooming into
a garden of human expression.
You are the one instrument all humanity shares,
through you we become musicians, singing
from the heart about who and what we are;
making simple plans, redefining ourselves,
holding onto long-dead conversations through small talk,
expressing sentiments we are much too scared to speak aloud,
you as our outlet for each and every emotion.
So here's to you, gracious text bubble,
for all that you provide to us humble beings,
and for being ever malleable in your service,
and for being ever reliable in your great power--
you are the means by which our society remains
ever progressing--a catalyst for human evolution.
RelationshipsAug 08, 2019
Poetry On The Odyssey: An Ode To The Text Bubble
And all the things it implies