School, you are the means to the end. Seemingly never-ending, and yet, May always comes. Although you are most noted for your bad times, many good experiences occurred between your walls. From the winning score to dances and from study parties to lunch room mayhem. You have brought all walks of life together and with it, made us one with a common goal: a joined goal to pass our classes and to be free, even if only for a moment — a two month long fleeting moment.
We have cursed you, deplored you, fought you and refused you, yet we always come back. Even though it is because we have to, we still learned to enjoy are wasted youth in your halls. There was an infinity on your workload and hope in the bell. Songs of freedom in a band and a death march in a gym. Yet, we would have you any other way. Well, there's room for improvement, but dreams tend to come slow.
School, you have taught me so much. Like a star you make me bright, like the mitochondria you make me powerful. You may be flawed, but I'm better by having you. I have spent over half of my life with you, you are all I know. You may not have prepared me for all things in life, but if there's ever a timed time table test in the future, I will blow it out of the water.
As the year ends, I applaud you. To all the wasted gym classes, the combined hours of sitting on bleachers, to library jackpots and failing grades. For every time I wished to go home and neglect homework, you have given me a reason to stay, keep trying. School, you gave me friends, knowledge and ambition. So, I applaud you. We all applaud you graffiti stalls and gum soiled desks. They are the battle scars to your fight towards education.
School, you are most like a book. Fleeting, but everlasting. As a chapter ends, a new one begins. One is never done learning, one is never done being a student. Let the bleachers, books and balls cheer. Hear the desks, pencils and paper roar. Fond memories and the lessons we've learned past what is in the text book will guide us to a bright future. We hate you, but we love you, so we thank you.