Some might diagnose them self with insomnia, or with a "circadian rhythm sleep disorder," but regardless of what you call it, there are those that stay awake until the crack of dawn and sleep once they hear the first birds begin to chirp, instead of waking up to them. Some of the worlds greatest writers, J. R. R. Tolkein, Franz Kafka, Charles Bukowski and world leaders like Winston Churchill all found themselves changing the world while most people were sleeping.
Night owls, quite simply the opposite of an early bird, everyone knows one.When "morning people" wake up at the crack of dawn and check your social media and see posts from three hours ago asking if anyone is "up?" While people see sleeping until noon as a waste of day, night owls were wide awake 8 hours ago, so it's understandable that they would wake up in the late afternoon.
A night owl's imagination blossoms in the wee hours of the morning. We find our greatest inspiration at night. We do some of our best work at night. Your classmates might see it as procrastination, but honestly writing papers at night benefit us. Thoughts flow easily in the darkness of night. At night is when I have my greatest ideas; when writing become simple. The inhibitions of daylight don't fall upon the ones that find comfort in the shadow of the night.
There is freedom at night. Quietness. To a night owl, like myself, night is when we are at peak performance.
We see the hours pass by, and think nothing of it. I've honestly heard myself saying, "Oh, it's only 1 a. m. ? I still have so much time!" Even if I woke up at a reasonable hour that day, (like at 8 a. m. for an opening shift) I still find myself staying awake until 2, 3 o'clock in the morning. Regardless of whether I am writing an article, catching up on TV shows I missed through the semester, or just listening to music, I find myself enjoying them more as the night progresses (or I guess you can say, as the morning advances).
You early birds can protest that we are wasting our lives, but a night owl may see 3 a. m. in the same way as an early bird sees 9 in the morning. We get things done - and let's be honest - it's not like we are missing anything in the morning. besides daytime talk shows and children's programming, and we have plenty of talk shows to choose from at night.
We just enjoy working without that pesky sun beating down our backs. Night owls have the advantage of millions of stars in the sky, and none of them too close so that you can't look at them directly without damaging our eyes or rays so damaging as to cause cancer, so who is the real winner here?