Ode to my pile of books that I have yet to read. | The Odyssey Online
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Ode To My TBR (To Be Read) Pile Of Books.

I will read you all, I promise.

Ode To My TBR (To Be Read) Pile Of Books.

I remember being a teenager and devouring books in a few days. Now it takes me months. It's not because I'm a slow reader I just don't have the time to devote to reading every day. I read more to my son than I do for my own leisure.

To my books,

I have not forgotten that you are there. I know where you all are. One day when I'm old and grey and finally have the time I will get to read you all, so long as I keep my vision. But for now, I will think of you often and long to flip your pages with interest in your story.

One day when the child finally goes off to college or where ever life takes him I will sit and read you all for hours, hours that turn to days.

I always pick up books thinking that it will make a great read and I can't wait to go on this particular adventure with the characters in this particular book. I get it home, take a sniff of its pages (don't judge me!) and read the first few pages or a chapter if given the time.

More often than not I can sit down to read and then there goes the son, or the fiance, or the dog, calling my name or hunting me down to bug me for this or that. It really drives me nuts when I'm at a climactic scene among the pages of one of my books and I get interrupted. I mutter and fuss to myself and promise the book that I'll be right back and that never happens.

I always get pulled into a million different things before I finally get to relax again, and by that time I'm usually ready to fall in bed and sleep. I always mean to read a chapter before going to sleep but exhaustion makes it only a few pages. At this rate, it takes me forever to read just one.

I so wish I had the time to put reading on my list of things to do for the day, but sadly the days just are not long enough.

Insomnia makes for good reading time. That's when I read the most of TBR books. I read chapters and chapters, sometimes making it to the halfway mark.

I think the last time that I can say that I finished reading a book was age 17. But at that age, there is nothing to keep a 17-year old from reading all night long and into the morning.

One day when I'm less busy all of you (books) will get my attention and I vow to finish all of you. I can't imagine the things that you guys say about me when I'm not around. Don't be too harsh, this was not my intention when I bought you from the store or found you at that yard sale.

Maybe you don't speak, but I know that your pages do.

For now, I request your patience. I will read you all in time, this is my promise to you.

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