While many of you spent your spring breaks lounging on some lush beach, sipping tropical drinks, my break was spent under the confine of my covers watching your snap stories way too fast and binge-watching Netflix. Do I regret it? Probably not. Do I regret the amount of food I consumed like a hungry hippo? Probably. But one of the greatest things that came out of break was finishing "Friends." Yeah, I know, I'm far behind everyone else and you're probably wondering how the hell I survived so long without watching it. Now that I'm done, I ask myself that very question. The quick episodes, the comedy, the romance, what's not to like? But maybe the reason it's so acclaimed is because it accurately describes our lives, the shenanigans and all. We all have our Joeys, our Rachel's and maybe even our Monica's. In the end, it shows us that:
Flirting isn't easy.
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You're gonna sound like a bumbling idiot every once in a while, it happens.
Nope, not getting any easier.
But being in a relationship isn't always much easier.
Clarity and communication is key in any relationship. Never assume your partner knows what you're thinking because if they don't, then you'll never hear the end of it.
And sometimes everything just comes crashing down.
You don't always see the ending coming, you don't always realize you're more invested than the other person. It sucks putting your heart out there just for it to be stomped on and taken advantage of. You're going to cry over a lost flame or even just the idea of something; pain isn't meant to hurt.
Though in the end, what's meant to be will be.
Relationships take work just like everything in life. It's a two-sided street and in the end, things will work out the way they're supposed to. It might seem like you're drowning in an endless ocean but one day you'll find your lobster, just give it time -- the tears (and even the gallons of ice cream) will be worth it.
So always remember that life isn't the sugarcoated version movies present to you.
Nothing comes easy, nothing's ever going to be handed to you. If you want it, then work for it.
Never let anyone diminish your value.
Be what you want to be, not what others tell you should be.
And if they try, remember who you are and where you've came from.
You'll get screwed over.
And sometimes it'll be the ones closest to you who do it.
But there's nothing you can't get over.
No guy is worth ruining a friendship. Things are said in the heat of a moment but they're said out of adrenaline, not pure spite. Talking it through it may suck and honestly the truth will probably hurt, but it needs to be done.
But most of all, you're never alone no matter how hard life gets.
Love can transcend anything. We may be totally different, but we're all bound by one thing: love.
Thank you for the laughs, the tears and most of all, the realization my life isn't as screwed up as I lead myself to believe it is.