Food, one of the main essentials to life is often one of the things a person thinks most about each and every day. A lot of people make plans around their meals because of how important food is to them. There’s breakfast (sometimes even a second breakfast after that early workout), lunch, dinner, and of course, many snacks throughout the day. When food is so good, it only makes sense that it crosses someone’s mind multiple times throughout each day.
Even as I am writing this article, I just overheard a little girl tell her dad how hungry she is and asking when they would be getting food. It’s only natural to want food. Whether it is processed or unprocessed, it all tastes good! Food is a huge part of our life and often a huge part in our decision making. When asked to go out somewhere, how many times have you responded with “will there be food?” If you’re anything like me, probably many times. It is undeniable that humans love food so much. Here are the main reasons why.
1. It keeps us alive
Sure this is the obvious reason but hey, at least if we over-eat, we can justify it by saying we need it.
2. It tastes so good
From ice cream, to cookies, to mashed potatoes, to smoothies, you can't go wrong with great tasting food. Just because something is green doesn’t mean it tastes bad! Branch out on your food choices because I promise you, you’ll find a vegetable you like to eat. Thanks to our taste buds, we get to enjoy the foods we put in our mouths whether they’re sweet, salty, spicy, or not.
3. It’s comforting
Comfort food is key as it is the only thing that will truly be there for you in your darkest times. Mac and cheese or ice cream are always great contenders for comforting a person when they’re down, but even if you’re feeling great, there’s no shame in eating a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.
4. Helps with decision making
It’s really easy. If the answer to “Will there be food?” is a no, then don’t go.
5. So many varieties
I love all types of food: Mexican, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, American, Italian, and more. There is just so many different types of food to choose from which makes it fun! It would be boring if we had to eat the same thing all the time, but luckily we don’t have that issue.
I am confident that many people agree that food is possibly the greatest thing to be invented or found, depending on whether it is processed or natural. It truly is a cure to anything. If you’re sick—food. If you’re tired—food. If you’re happy—food. If you’re hangry—food. You see there just isn’t any wrong time to eat, so keep up the appreciation for food and eat it!