We all know Easter and Halloween and Christmas. But have you ever heard of these wacky National Days?
1. National Buffet Day (January 2nd)
Celebrate this one by feasting at your favorite all-you-can-eat restaurant! Just in time to break that New Years resolution!
2. Squirrel Appreciation Day (January 21st)
Imagine the world without squirrels. They need some appreciation, people.
3. National Send a Card to a Friend Day (February 7th)You've goat mail! (Sorry. I'm sorry. I formally apologize for the bad pun. But please send me a baby goat. I love them. They're so cute!)
Honestly though, isn't getting real mail just the best thing? It makes the day so much better. This is such a wonderful National Day, guys!
4. National Cook a Sweet Potato Day (February 22nd)
I wonder if sweet potato fries count? Those things are fantastic.5. National Get Over It Day (March 9th)
March 9th has no time for your drama.
6. National Poultry Day (March 19th)
Where would we be without poultry in our lives? WOULD THERE EVEN BE A CHICK-FIL-A?!7. National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day (April 16th)
The calendar has spoken. Break out the jammies and rock 'em at your nine-to-five.
8. National Take a Chance Day (April 23rd)
Ever wanted to drop everything and go on a spur-of-the-moment road trip? Ever wanted to start a cake-decorating business? Ever wanted to tell that stranger on the metro what a nice face he has? Ever wanted to quit your day job and move to Quebec? Then this is the National Day for you. Carpe Diem, friends!9. National Lost Sock Memorial Day (May 9th)
Alas, we've all been there. Our socks disappear to the laundry... and some never return. RIP missing socks.
10. National Dance Like a Chicken Day (May 14th)
Not missing out on this one ever again.
11. Nature Photography Day (June 15th)
This is the day you can post four thousand pictures of that one daisy you saw next to the sidewalk and nobody can fault you for it. Enjoy!
12. National Chocolate Pudding Day (June 26th)
A whole day to celebrate chocolate pudding-- what a time to be alive!13. National Cheer Up the Lonely Day (July 11th)
But guys, why isn't this every day?
14. National Coffee Milkshake Day (July 26th)
Why didn't I know coffee milkshakes were a thing?15. National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day (August 8th)
16. National I LOVE My Feet Day (August 17th)
August, are you okay?
17. National Salami Day (September 7th)
I mean, I guess it's a decent meat...18. National TV Dinner Day (September 10th)
To quote ZZ Top, "TV dinners, there's nothin' else to eat/ TV dinners, they really can't be beat."
19. National Name Your Car Day (October 2nd)
Mine is named the Chariot. Other good name suggestions include Hamster Wheel, Rage, and Jeremiah.20. National Feral Cat Day (October 16th)
Not just cat day. FERAL CAT DAY.
21. National Cook for Your Pets Day (November 1st)
Go gourmet. Four courses at the very least.
22. National Cranberry Relish Day (November 22nd)
Wait, what exactly is cranberry relish?!
On second thought, I'm not sure I want to know...
23. Pretend to be a Time Traveller Day (December 8th)
Where has this day been all my life? My time has come.
24. Bacon Day
And last but not least... quite possibly the best day of the year. That's right, folks. A whole day dedicated to bacon.