Let's admit it. Everybody gets a little bit of road rage when they're behind the wheel of a car. Sometimes the road rage will kick in if you're the passenger. It's just natural. There are those little things other drivers do that really anger you, but you can't do anything about it. So, you just yell and scream at them when they pass.
1. Driving slowly makes you want to pull your hair out
2. Especially when you're stuck behind a slow driver in the left lane
3. You're always late
4. When the person in front of you don't use their blinker (even tho you don't use yours)
5. Your horn is your trusty steed
6. You check the opposite lane while stuck in traffic to see if it moves faster
7. The left lane is for NASCAR wanna-be's (like yourself)
9. You get mad if someone tailgates you
10. But you tend to tailgate other drivers if they are going too slow

11. You've used the excuse, "the light was yellow" multiple times
12. But when the light catches you and it holds for a long time, you get frustrated
13. The "California Roll" is done at every stop sign
14. But you only do the "California Roll" if there is not an officer around
15. When a parent rides with you, they hold on for their life
16. No matter what someone says, you know you're a good driver
17. Because we all know you wouldn't have a license if you weren't