Patience really is a hard thing to grasp. Many times, I like to think that if I just take some deep breaths, or pretend that I have a different reality, then I will be calm and have patience, but the peace that comes from that is short lived.
Patience can come in various forms. If you're like me, you pretty much know what you want to do with your life, but you can't quite reach those goals just yet. Personally, I am a 19-year-old college student. I want to be a teacher, but I still have three years left of college. Three years doesn't seem so bad, but it can also feel like an eternity throughout the school year, especially with the stress that comes from work. Here, I am reminded that I'm just not ready. I still have so many things that I have to learn before I can ever teach others. The things that I am going to learn throughout the rest of my college career are going to be so helpful, and through learning these things, I will be able to successfully teach.
An area where I find myself oddly impatient at times, and slightly jealous, is comparing where I am in life to others. I am at an age where it isn't a surprise that people are getting engaged or having kids. I desperately want to be a wife and mom. And while I am usually so happy for my friends who are entering these amazing stages of life, I become impatient with the fact that I'm not at that point yet. I am no where near ready to be a wife.
As much as I love love, it just is not my time, and that is totally normal. I have to remind myself that while I am growing up, I still am so young, and there is still so much that I can be doing now to prepare for my future family. I am reassured that someday I hopefully will get married and have kids, and do all of those fun family things, but now is not the time, and that is perfectly okay too.
I tend to get impatient sometimes with people. What I've noticed, is that this usually happens when there is a misunderstanding or if I don't get my way. Yes, I can be selfish. But how dumb is that? Rather than getting irritated with others, I should try to be more understanding and willing to do things their way. I really just have to show more love and trust to others, and ultimately, the best outcome can be obtained.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11.
There is so much comfort in knowing that my life is out of my control. As crazy as that sounds, there is someone who knows my life and what lies ahead. The Lord has a perfect plan for my life laid out, and in knowing that, I can have true patience. I may not know what exactly is going on in my life, or why it seems like I'm not quite where others are, but I know that the Lord is present and He is in complete control. Knowing that He is in control is all that I truly need, and is where my patience really comes from.