You can become so obsessed with justice that it becomes more about being right than it does about doing what is right. Let that sink in for a moment. Justice is about making right what was wrong. It is an action, not a disposition as many of us typically feel it should be. Yet, how many times do we say we need justice, and that equates to "getting back" at the person who caused harm or turmoil? We feel justified in telling someone their wrongs. We cry out for a just system and, many times, we envision oppressors paying for their wrongs and we want to make sure they understand why they were wrong, violent and despicable. We feel betrayed by a friend or loved one and want to tell them what they did wrong, how it made us feel and what they need to do to fix it. Sinners know they are sinners - they do not need someone telling them the obvious, they need someone who is going to speak life into them and give them a vision of hope. This is where we get into the distinction between being right and doing what is right. Being right vilifies a human being and strips them of their humanity. Doing right positively builds their identity and affirms their humanity.
Being obsessed with justice will take a good concept that the Lord calls us to (Micah 6:8) and perverts it to be just as oppressive as the wrong that was committed to begin with. Are you critical when hearing about struggles that someone is dealing with? Do you dwell on thoughts of what they should have done or said? Do you find yourself giving them advice, even when they have not asked for your opinion? When someone humbly apologizes to you about a wrong, do you have a hard time forgiving and feel it is necessary to emphasize your thoughts and feelings and reiterate their wrongs? You may be obsessed with justice. Obsessions take over our thoughts, our perceptions and our hearts. Read my article on being obsessed with love.
The Lord is our judge; He will judge the living and the dead. Our job is to love and to forgive. "Vengeance is mine" says the Lord. Justice is not about revenge; revenge is the Lord's to take care of. Justice is about speaking truth, life and love.
Justice is about how you choose to respond to a situation in which actions contrary to moral principles are being carried out. How will you respond? Will you worry about being right or will you do what is right?