It is officially October, meaning you can smell the pumpkin spice in the air, people are starting to carve their pumpkins, and the haunted house decorations are starting to be put up. Sounds so amazing, right? Who doesn't love Halloween? For one night each year, you get to dive into a giant pile of candy with absolutely no shame while dressed like a monster. I may have already just answered my own question, but what has been up with the recent obsession with the wonderful holiday that is Halloween?
Well, for starters, all of the classic Halloween movie re-runs are officially back from the dead to give us all nostalgia. "Halloweentown," "Hocus Pocus," "Edward Scissorhands," and so much more that the list would go on and on. When these films came out, we were all too young to truly appreciate them as the horror and comedic masterpieces that they really are. Films such as "Hocus Pocus" have sly adult humor that as children we just didn't understand. But now that we're all grown up, we can understand the jokes that only our parents would laugh at years ago. Not only are the classics now being replayed on our televisions, but Netflix puts a new category on its front page. There is an entire section just for horror movies. The good and the laughably terrible. You know what that means, right? Weekends will consist of nothing but Netflix horror movie marathons.
Halloween movies not really your cup of tea? What about all the pumpkin-flavored, well, everything? You can't go anywhere without seeing a pumpkin spice flavored drink or food. The flavor has become so popular that it has started to pop up towards the end of August. With the flavor arriving earlier and earlier each year, so will the Halloween anticipation.
Still not convinced that Halloween is one of the best times of the year (except Christmas of course)? Well, lets take it back to the basics. Dressing up and candy hunting. As college students, we may have grown out of trick-or-treating, but nothing beats a good ol' fashioned costume party. Partying not really your thing? Perfect. Get in your costume, sit on your couch with some friends and a giant bowl of candy you just bought at the nearest grocery store, and chow down on the delicious, tooth-rotting goodness while you watch those wonderful movies I mentioned earlier.
Halloween has something to love for everyone, whether it be the person that loves passing out candy, the person that loves staying at home and eating said candy, or the costume party goers. If you're reading this and still think you don't understand why everyone is obsessed with Halloween, you need someone to sit you down on the couch with a pumpkin spice latte, put "Hocus Pocus" on your television, and feed you candy until you're in a chocolate-induced coma so you can properly enjoy this holiday.
Have a happy Halloween!