Have you ever observed the places around you? The people? The small things?
Like mother nature? Those animals you don't like because, well because you just don't?
Have you ever taken time out of your busy life and just enjoyed the weather? Went out to the lake and sat on a boat and let it float away? Have you ever just star gazed in the back of your yard and saw random things floating in the sky, or seen shooting stars (meteors crossing into our atmosphere and going back out of our atmosphere.)
Have you ever just sat from your car and watched people load things, fix things, get into, get out, change a diaper, or something like that?
If you do, I'm glad you notice the things around you. I'm glad you are able to acknowledge the people you hang out with, the things you do, the things other people do for you, I'm glad you're able to feel everything. I'm glad you're able to acknowledge that feeling you feel right now.
Amazing, isn't it? When was the last time you went to visit your favorite hang out spot? When was the last time you passed by your hometown or the things you used to do when you were small as a kid?
It's amazing how we live in this huge ball of life, where things repeat itself, or you can change the lifecycle some way or somehow. It's amazing how we live in that ball, and above us is black with some other huge balls made of gas, toxins, and other sorts. It's amazing how we're all fighting about the color of our skin, to the language we speak, to the different genitals in our bodies, to money and so much more. Yet, we refuse to acknowledge that we humans are very tiny. That we humans live in a huge ball, that could corrupt or die anytime. Yet all we're worried about is the color of our skin, the languages we speak, and so on. When what we should really be worried about is how in the world can we make this planet grow, instead of destroying it more. How can we fly further into space and relocate humans. From all the disasters we have seen so far into 2017, Earth is pretty close to dying or corrupting.
So I'll say it again. Observe the world. The places, the people, mother nature, tiny things. Observe them all, and create things beyond what other people may want to believe can happen. It's not for the fame. It's for the future generations ahead of us.